11 Tue, Nov. 2025
TBA (13:00-17:30)
12 Wed, Nov. 2025
TBA (9:45-16:00)
Lecture Room A632, The Institute for Solid State Physics, Kashiwa campus,
The University of Tokyo (5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8581, Japan)
Organizing committee members:
Shinji Miwa (co-chair)
Associate Professor, ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Byong-Guk Park (co-chair)
Visiting Professor, ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Japan & Professor,
KAIST, Korea
Yukiko Kato
Assistant, ISSP, The University of Tokyo, Japan
ISSP: The Institute for Solid State Physics
KAIST: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Miwa Group, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Nano Spintronics Lab. (Park Group), KAIST, Korea
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) "Chimera Quasiparticle"